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Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I have a pet. Her name is Mikaela. At first, I didn't like her. She arrived at home one day looking terribly annoying. She just stared at me, boldly admitting she doesn't like me. She would bark around the house and I wouldn't care as long as she's not doing me any harm. Everybody at home loves her, except me. I don't hate her. I just don't like her. But one Sunday afternoon, Mom told me to take Mikaela for a walk in the park.

At first, we just walk there not making a sound. It went on every Sunday. The funny thing is, I find myself already enjoying our walks every Sunday afternoon. I've finally learned to like her. She's not that bad after all. She even helped me get noticed by my long-time crush next door. She took his baseball cap one day and gave it to me. The next thing i know, he was already standing in front of me wearing his picture-perfect smile.

Everybody loves Mikaela and I take extra credit for being with her. We always get attention. We were inseparable. But everything changed one day when she met Gian, the german shepherd my aunt left. She went on vacation and left her dog at home.

Now, we would go to the park but with Gian around. I noticed Mikaela giving Gian shy smiles, wagging her tail when Gian is around. I wanted her to feel loved. Now, they would go to the park alone.

Gian became Mikaela's obsession. She couldn't eat without him around, couldn't sleep without Gian by her side, wouldn't go out if Gian's not tailing behind. My pet Mikaela is becoming a lovesick dog.

What now when my aunt arrives and takes her dog? What will happen to her when Gian leaves? I know I'm partly to be blamed because I've let her world revolved around Gian when I know he can't stay. Somebody owns him. And soon she would take him back. And there's nothing Mikaela could do. Gian was never hers.
"Sometimes I'm thinking of giving her away, but who would love her now?" 
What now if she gets pregnant? Poor puppies. They will never get to see their father. Poor Mikaela for not thinking of the consequences of her actions. Well, what do I expect? She's a dog. She doesn't know what being smart is all about. I could have been the smart one here but I was not able to stop her from her foolishness. Besides being hardheaded, Mikaela treats me like I don't exist when Gian is around. I understand. But I couldn't take her acting so dumb.

Sometimes I'm thinking of giving her away, but who would love her now? She's not the same Mikaela I've known. I just wanted her to feel loved and needed but she made one grave mistake. She didn't love herself first. And now, she's devastated.

She knows I'll always be there for her. I'll always be around when no one's in sight. I'll give her comfort when she's sad, lift her up when she's down. But she must learn to love herself first because even if she's my bestfriend, I just can't learn to love a bitch! LSZ

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